CD Helpers qualifications

All our Filipina nurses working for you as a CD Helper have passed rigorous selection criteria and specialised training programs. They are health and nursing professionals with minimum two years of professional experience, fluent in German and English due to strong historic connection with United States of America. A special CD Helper Training program was designed by us to teach German culture and prepare for the discerning expectations of our clientele.

All our Filipina nurses have passed rigorous selection criteria and specialised training programs.

nurses qualifications

  • qualifications cd helpers 1
  • eins icon Bachelor Degree, Board Certificate And Working Experience

    Our candidates hold the Bachelor of Science in Nursing which is a four year academic degree in the university. They are prepared in nursing science, research, leadership and related sciences that inform the practice of nursing. In order to work as a registered nurse, they must pass the licensure examination of the Professional Regulation Commission of the Republic of the Philippines. Then a candidate is required to have a minimum of 2 years of working experience in a healthcare institution or hospital. Candidates interested in working in Germany start with their German language courses already during that time and acquired the B1 level German certificate at the time we assess them.
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  • zwei icon Graduates Are Interviewed And Assessed Locally By CD Helpers

    Our founder, together with the training team, personally interviews each candidate. Trainability, adaptability, common sense, moral values, and all other pertinent aspects of the candidate must adhere to our strict standards and align with our values for the candidate to be admitted into the CD Helpers Training program.
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  • drei icon CD Helpers Training

    Our CD Helpers Training program is based on the Nanny Training Center Modules for basic housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, and caring of children. Since candidates have already gone through a comprehensive caregiving course, CD Helpers Training provides additional specialised training— including German cooking lessons from a German Club certified chef— for housekeeping to fully cover the needs of our German clients. Candidates are tested on their knowledge at every step of the process. Successful graduates attain the CD Helpers Training housekeeping certification.
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  • vier icon Goethe Institute Certification And German Class Level B2

    Graduates proceed to the Goethe Institute for further studies in German culture and language, earning a German language class level B2. At this level of fluency, she can understand complex texts, abstract ideas, opinionated debates, and technical discussions. She can explain the pros and cons of various options in a given situation, and she is able to converse well enough to easily interact with native German speakers without strain.
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  • fuenf icon Filipina Nurses Arrive In Germany

    We secure all necessary legal permits for our Filipina nurses to live and work in Germany. Our nurses are employed by us and their permit to stay is associated with CD Helpers employment. We pick up the nurse from the airport, welcome her to the city, and arrange for all her basic living needs such as food and lodging. Nurses’ accommodations are all conveniently located and accessible to tram/bus stops. Two nurses share one room to avoid overcrowding and ensure tidiness at all times.

flag germany
CD Helpers GmbH
113, Ismaninger Street, 81675 Muenchen, Germany
+49 (0)89 4161465-60

flag philippines
CD Helpers Philippines 